Hijri-Gregorian Date Converter

Looking for a simple and accurate way to convert between Gregorian and Hijri calendar dates? Look no further than our online converter!

Our converter is easy to use and provides accurate results in a matter of seconds. Simply enter the date you want to convert in either the Gregorian or Hijri format, and our converter will do the rest.

We also offer a variety of other features, including:

Our converter is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to convert between Gregorian and Hijri calendar dates. Whether you're a Muslim who needs to know the date of an upcoming holiday, or a student who's doing research on Islamic history, our converter can help.

Visit our website today to try our converter for free!

Picture of Today's Date (2025-1-04) in Islamic Calendar  

Hijri Date Converter From/To Gregorian (Miladi) Calendar

Use the following form to convert gregorian (miladi) calendar date to/from islamic hijri calendar date. Change the date, month, and year in the provided column and then 'click' the CONVERT TO HIJRI or CONVERT TO GREGORIAN. Hijri date information will be shown in a short time below.

Conversion From Gregorian (Miladi) To Hijri Date

Conversion From Hijri Date to Gregorian (Miladi)

Calculating hijri from/to gregorian (miladi) conversion... Information will be written here.

Is this a special date for you?

See a complete calendar refered by these hijri dates.

What is your birthday in islamic date?

When will Ramadan start this year?

When are the 'white days' or 'days of full moon' or Ayyam-ul-Bidh?

Those are several questions that could be answered by this islamic date calendar converter. Use the form above to convert the date from Christian (or Gregorian) to Islamic Hijri Era. Use this hijri date converter to find out the islamic date in the past and future, when will the Ramadan or the hajj starts this year, when the days of full moon (yaum al bidh) are - on which days muslims are encouraged to fast each lunar month - and so on. The conversion to islamic or hijri date will be done automatically when you click the convert button on the form.