Today's Date in Hijri Calendar
Gregorian Date | Hijri Date |
Oct 03, 2023 | Rabi'ul Awwal 17, 1445 AH |
Today is Tuesday, Oct 03, 2023 CE and corresponding to Rabi'ul Awwal 17, 1445 AH in the muslim calendar based on global moon sighting. Rabi'ul Awwal (رَبِيع ٱلْأَوَّل) is the 3rd month of the islamic (hijri) calendar. There are 29 days in the current islamic month of Rabi'ul Awwal 1445 AH. It starts on: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 and ends on: Sun, 15 Oct 2023. It has a designated Islamic Lunation Number (ILN) of 17331 which starts with the new moon (conjunction) on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 01:40 GMT.
Full Hijri Calendar 1445 AH
The full hijri calendar gives information about the hijri dates of the current hijri year 1445 AH along side the corresponding gregorian (miladi) dates. The 1445 hijri calendar this year is accompanied with important dates in the islamic calendar.
Gregorian to Hijri Dates Converter
If you're looking to find the Hijri date corresponding to a specific day in the Gregorian calendar, such as today's date in the Hijri calendar, you've come to the right place. Our mission is to provide you with a seamless and accurate date conversion experience, enabling you to explore and embrace the rich tradition of the Islamic calendar in the year 2025 and beyond.
With the Islamic calendar being a lunar calendar, it follows the cycles of the moon and differs from the Gregorian calendar, which is based on the solar year. The Hijri calendar consists of 12 months, with each month lasting approximately 29 or 30 days. This results in a total of 354 or 355 days in a year, making it shorter than the Gregorian calendar. By using our conversion tool, you can effortlessly navigate the complexities of date conversion and discover the equivalent Islamic date for today's date or any other date you need.
Our website not only provides the Islamic date for today but also offers the flexibility to convert dates across a wide range of years. Whether you are exploring historical events or planning for future engagements, our conversion tool can accurately determine the corresponding Hijri date. From commemorating significant Islamic events to personal milestones, our platform ensures that you stay connected to the Islamic calendar and its cultural significance.
Wait no more, and visit: Hijri Date Converter!
Crescent Moon Visibility Map for
Map of crescent moon visibilty around sunset on the beginning of islamic months.
Crescent moon visibility maps for other islamic hijri months can be accessed via our HilalMap page.
You can convert between Christian Era/Gregorian calendar date and Islamic (Hijri) date using our islamic calendar converter.